We will shortly be releasing an enhancement to the current user management capabilities that enables you to bulk activate users that are in pending.
What is a pending user?
Pending users are users that have been connected to the EvaluAgent platform via a third party system using technologies such as System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM). 
Pending users do not consume an EvaluAgent user licence and have no roles, permissions or login access assigned. They therefore can not log into and use the EvaluAgent platform until they have been activated.
What does the activation process do?
Activation of pending users will move them from a pending state into an active state. This means that the users will be:
  • Assigned a role or roles
  • Assigned a team or reporting level
  • Be given permissions to login to the EvaluAgent platform
All activated users will consume a user licence.
Bulk Activation
The bulk activation enhancement will enable you to select one or more pending users who will have the same role and or team, configure and activate them with just a few clicks.
Pending Users - Multi-Select
Previously you would need to do this one user at a time, so this enhancement will save administrators time in managing pending users and reduce the 'click' milage required.
Pending Users - Configuring Agents