Hello everyone,
My team and I have feedback in regards to updating the Outcome grade of evaluations. The way our team decides the Outcome is based on the Quality Score. For example: 100% score would be a Legendary grade, 75%-99% would Epic, below 75% would be a another grade, etc.
With how the system is implemented right now, we have to manually update the Outcome based on the Quality Score that the agent earned. And our team has noticed that there's an opportunity here to make the process automated.
The idea is to implement a system where percentage scores are automatically assigned a grade. So a 100% evaluation would automatically be graded as a Legendary.
This would make the evaluation flow more efficient for our evaluators, and it would also alleviate some of the issues that we encounter when updating evaluations that have been successfully queried. A successfully queried evaluation doesn't display the percentage that will be attained after the score is updated, so we have to either make our best guess or calculate the percentages ourselves before updating the Outcome grade.
Kind regards,